Season's greeting from Mellow Melody Makers
Dear all, It is the last day of our lessons this year, and a big shoutout to every pupil who has been working so hard in 2021. We are...
Merry Christmas from Mini Mandarin Musicians!
Where is 馴鹿 (the Reindeer, "xùn lù" zài nǎ lǐ )? Santa will need her soon so could you please help us find her? Glad to finish this term...
2022 Spring Term (1) Registration
Dear parents, The season for Ding-Ding-Dong has began! We have enjoyed a great term so far and now it's time to start the registration...
2021 Autumn Term Registration
Dear all, The long-awaited new term is around the corner! At this moment we can only accommodate small-sized (up to 4 children) classes...
2021 New term's update
Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. Our new classes are under preparation and more info will be posted soon! Ps. A special THANK...
Happy Moon Festival
Dear Mini Mandarin Musicians & Players and parents, Sorry I haven't been in contact for a long while due to the known reason . However,...
Hakka New Year Celebration-客家天穿慶元宵
Mini Mandarin Musicians is pleased to participate in a special event to celebrate the important day in Hakkanese culture (Sky Mending...
2020 Spring Term registration- One space left!
Dear all, I hope you have enjoyed a brilliant holiday and that you are ready to get back to the learning mode! Mini Mandarin Musicians'...
Mini Mandarin Players 2020 Spring Term
期待已久的Mini Mandarin Players 小小中文玩家将在2020年1月继续展开! 课程面向于4-6岁中文听说有一些基础的小朋友,由有对外汉语教学资质的李冰老师用中文为媒介语授课。课程会按照不同的教学主题来带领小朋友一起互动式学习,其中包括了一月份的喜迎新春学习...
2019 Autumn Term Registration- Part II
Dear parents, We have enjoyed a great term so far and now it's the time to accept the registration for Part II! Please see the details...