Mini Mandarin Musicians
Mellow Melody Makers
"My daughter Lydia really likes this mini musical class on Saturday. She plays many kinds of musical instrument for kids, and that's a very happy time. And Mrs Huang leads kids sing mandarin and English songs. Not only it helps kids to build up their interest in music, but also develops their language capability. Meanwhile, interesting games make this mini class more attractive to kids."
--Lydia's mummy, 7/12/2015
"High quality and well designed music program, different instruments to play with, beautiful rhythms incorporated in fun games. My 2 year old truly loves it. And I'm so glad to see that he is gradually more accurate on tones and beats. The teacher is very professional and she has a warm and elegant singing voice. Will recommend to anyone who has a toddler."
--Lionel's mummy, 8/12/2015
"My daughter had enjoyed the music class so much, and it is now one of the activities she really looks forward to on weekends. We found her speaking more and better Chinese as well, which is another benefit of attending the class, apart from the musical input."
--Zoe's mummy, 10/12/2015
"My daughter attended the music class from about ten months old. It is very nice to see how she became more confident with music and rhythms now. It also helps with her Mandarin. She developed better concentration over past few months and she really enjoyed interacting with other children in the class and looks forward to going to it weekly."
--Amy's mummy, 17/12/2015
"Jaxon has been going to the baby class every week since 6 months, the classes are interactive and fun. He loves playing with all the different instruments and watching lao shi sing, each lesson is well planned and a lot of effort has been put into them to make sure it is engaging for the babies. Will recommend to join! will definitely continue to join the classes with Jaxon."
--Jaxon's mummy, 21/3/2016
"My husband and I want to introduce Mandarin to our daughter as early as possible so she will learn to handle two languages from baby especially Mandarin is such a contrast to English. We found the Mandarin music class is a great way to introduce both languages to her. She joined the class when she just passed 6 months. With bilingual music and sensory play, she gets to expose both languages at the same time in many fun ways. Not to say learning to interact with other babies at similar ages. Throughout the 10 weeks courses, we've seen her growing to enjoy various Chinese and English songs. She also learns to play with various music toys/ instruments. We also meet some great people in the class. Yi-ting was a great teacher. She was always very patient, attentive and creative with the babies and put in great effort in making the class fun and interesting for everyone (including the mums). The small class and home setting also made us feel relaxed and comfortable. It's like going to a play date every week to see your friends while your baby is learning and growing. "
-- Anya's mummy, 26/3/2016
"I like Mini Mandarin Musicians very much. My kids enjoy the classes very much, they enjoy singing and during the week they keep on singing the songs they've learned in the class.The sesions are designed for the little ones, so they keep their attention through plays, toys, musical instruments... Every kid has a role and they feel motivated, self-confident and happy. Yi-Ting is really good and kind with the kids and she knows how to make them come back to the class when they get distracted. I think it is a very good first approach to the music and also to the Mandarin language through the play and the music. I recomend it to all the little ones!"
--Laura and Patricia's mummy, 27/3/2016
I found that Yi-Ting’s mini mandarin music class was a fun way to introduce my toddler to the Chinese language. The mix of song and musical instrument play was engaging for my daughter, and helped us both to learn some simple mandarin. Yi-Ting is a positive teacher who does her best to ensure that all children gain something from her classes. My daughter, Madeleine, found the classes interesting and enjoyable, and often didn’t want to go home. The benefits are not always immediate, but we can all appreciate that they will be long lasting.
--Madeleine’s dad, 10/3/2017
My daughter has been to a couple of courses, and she really enjoys the singing and playing of the instruments. Initially she was reserved, but the environment and the teacher have made that she now looks forward to seeing laoshi (teacher) and the children that she has met there. It is such a great way to introduce and enhance Mandarin to her as well!
Laura's mum, 3/4/2017
My husband and I believe that it's better to learn a language when the children are little. We are so lucky to find Mini Mandarin Musicians for our 2 year old daughter, Sophie. After a few classes , we find Sophie enjoying the class very much. She plays different kinds of music instruments , sings and dances together with teacher Yi-Ting , and at home she keeps singing the songs learned from the class. So we definitely would continue to join the class and highly recommend it to someone who want their toddlers to learn Mandarin in a fun way through the well-planed music class.
Sophie's mum, 15/4/2017
My son and I love our Mini Mandarin Musicians classes on Saturday mornings. The teacher is really friendly and welcoming and encourages all the children. We have learned some really nice songs in Chinese. A lot of them have the same tune as familiar English songs so they are easy to learn. It’s a great way for mum or dad as well as baby to learn a foreign language. The lessons are fun and engaging. Also, they are really well planned so that we sing songs which use words from previous lessons. This helps us to remember the vocabulary.
Albert's mum, 21/8/2017
Before I started coming, I was concerned that Toby would be too young at three months old to enjoy the group, but I needn't have worried - he loves it! He likes playing with the instruments, joining in with the games like peek-a-boo, and especially giggling at the big hobby horse. It's been great for him to socialise with other small children as well, and for me to meet other parents and learn about Chinese culture.
Toby's dad, 19/9/2017
"Olive (18mth) and I have been enjoying Mini Mandarin classes at Yi-Ting's home for about seven months. Exposing children to different languages early has been proven to help with communication (in any language) later in life. I also enjoy learning something new too! It is of course also great to practice singing, learning the foundations of melody and rhythm along the way.
So much is packed into the class each week, as well as learning new songs and a new language, there are all kinds of props, instruments and sensory play.
Yi-Ting is a wonderful teacher, her classes are always well planned and it is great to have the materials to use at home.
I would highly recommend anyone considering Mini-Mandarin Musicians to give it a go"
Olive's Daddy, 1/10/2017
The class is cosy and easy. The teacher is able to catch the attention of my never-able-to-sit-still boy and I am glad he enjoys the class better gradually. I don't need to go to other sensory classes since this has covered all music, language and sensory!
Leo's mum, 6/5/2018
Yi-Ting’s Mini Mandarin Musicians cleverly combines musical elements and linguistic education. Children immerse themselves in leaning Mandarin by singing interesting songs and rhymes, and meanwhile enjoying the musical pulses.
Yi-Ting has thoroughly prepared every lesson and shared these precious teaching materials with students. As parents, I really appreciate what Yi-Ting has done in the class as she is a very responsible teacher and full of enthusiasm in teaching!
My daughter Elisa and I really enjoyed this special bonding time in Yi-Ting’s class every week. More often, during our family trips, such as in the car or queue up for restaurant, we would sing songs learnt from the class. We know each song by heart. I think this is exactly what I expect for Elisa to gain from Yi-Ting's class - best learning attitude " edutainment " !!
Elisa's mum, 9/9/2018
Julia (over 3 years) and I have been enjoying Mini Mandarinian classes for a year now. The class combines a bit of everything; music, vocabulary and most important enjoyable environment with lots of fun. Laoshi is friendly, enthusiastic and creative. Groups are small and lessons are well planned so kids are engaging all
the time. My little one is very keen to attend classes every Saturday so for me this is real recommendation.
I feel it is great and subtle way to introduce other language through the play and music in such a young age.
Julia’s mum, 23/10/2018
So today chickpea visited her first class Musical Mandarin Class. We were welcomed with a "nihow" hello and learned a lot of words from meow to Santa Claus. There was about ten in the class and we sung chinese songs as well as carols in both languages Mandarin and English. I admired the cleanliness of the toys and props which were all brand new and each kid got a little xmas gift at the end. The teacher has a Phd in music and was very welcoming to all the cultures in attendance. The kids learned the bilingual version of baby shark and as Mandarin is tipped the language of the future, I'm glad chickpea has a head start! Suitable for I would say, 1 to 3 year olds although newborns would love the colours and sounds. It was a warm class, lovely heated room and chickpea enjoyed it so much she banged the drums and lead a song #proudmummymoment#yey! Do visit the class it's brilliant!
Priti from Zen Ten Baby, 14/12/2018
“My little girl Ollie has been attending Yi-Ting’s Mini Mandarin Musician class since she was six months old (She is 2 years old now). She always has a good time singing and dancing with Yi-Ting Lao Shi and others. Yi-Ting is a very dedicated teacher who is natural with children. Her class is always well structured and delivered. You can definitely tell a lot of care and efforts go into the preparation of each class. Coming from a mixed culture background, it is really important that Ollie knows there are other people speaking Mandarin other than her mummy! She has grown with Yi-Ting’s class and always looks forward to it!"
Ollie’s mum, 21/10/2019
"We love the way Edith adapted suitable sessions for our 3 year old, who is a keen singer. She has brought in many instruments and ways to steer the little one's music interest. And for a bilingual kid, the best part is the fact Edith can speak and teach in mandarin!!!"
Ralph's dad, 4/January/2021
"We enjoyed Yi-Ting's lessons because they were engaging and captivating- adapted to suit young learners! We wanted our son Adam to be exposed to Mandarin and it was done so in a fun and musical way, just the way we hoped.
The starting and ending songs are so catchy, and Adam quickly learnt some of the words and the melody, humming it on his own outside of the lesson. He was also tickled at the start of each lesson looking for "xiao long". To this day, he remembers "xiao long"!
It's a cosy set-up; whether you've had a challenging or busy morning, you'll feel lighter and happier after the lesson :)"
Adam's mum, 15/September/2023
Eli's mum, 24/June/2024