2016 Winter New Class coming soon!
Dear all,
Thank you very much for the patience waiting for the return of Mini Mandarin Musicians. The reason that kept me away from the class wants to pay her tribute to everyone!

The new class for 2016 winter term is confirmed, it will be a shorter term (6 sessions, starting from the first Saturday of November) themed on elements of winter. The dates are scheduled as following:
5/11, 12/11, 19/11, 26/11, 3/12, 10/12.
Time and level:
Saturday 10:00-10:45 am----- 6 month - 2 years old
Saturday 11:00-11:45 am----- 3-5 years old
Yi-Ting's home studio in Kenilworth (Finham road)
*Depending on the number and age of students who register, we might make some arrangements to suit the time and class size.
The fee is the same as previous terms, £5 per session, and please pay the whole class period (£30) before or after the first session to secure your place. A complimentary taster class is still available if you come the first time.
I understand that the limited class time may inconvenience some families, but I will open new classes (10 sessions a term) in more time slots and different venues in 2017 (ex: Leamington Spa and Warwick). A possible class for older kids (6-8 years old) will be launched as well. The planning is on process and will be announced soon.
Please email me [edith1120@gmail.com] to register the winter class for your little one. Any questions are welcomed through the email above and the phone: 07870165155.
I truly look forward to meeting you again!