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Registration for 2018 Summer Term

Dear parents,

Hope you all had a great spring break. 2018 Summer term will start from 20th (Fri.) and 21st (Sat.) in April and finish on 13th (Fri.) and 14th (Sat.) of July. This term we will feature the music regarding Summer flavours, Dragon Boat Festival and Father's Day, lots of fun to do!

There will be 12 lessons for this summer term, with a half-term break in the Friday class (Saturday class takes break on 23/6). Please come and join us!

*Class info:

Friday at The Gap Community Centre in Warwick (CV34 5TD)

10-10:45 am, 3months -3 years old

20/4, 27/4, 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 8/6, 15/6, 22/6, 29/6, 6/7, 13/7.

Saturday at The Kenilworth Centre Kenilworth (CV8 1QJ)

10-10:45 am, 3months-2 years old

11-11:45 am, 3-4 years old

21/4, 28/4, 5/5, 12/5, 19/5, 26/5, 2/6, 9/6, 16/6, 30/6, 7/7, 14/7.

Tuition fee: £5 per lesson and please pay the whole term in the beginning to reserve the place.

  • A free trial lesson is available for the first-time attendants

  • 20% discount for siblings

Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Many thanks & Best regards,

Yi-Ting (Edith) Huang


* Here is a link to the great performance of Dragon Dance celebrating the Chinese New Year that I attended at I12 Mall in Singapore. I was really impressed by this show and hopefully you will enjoy it, too.

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