Mini Mandarin Players
Mini Mandarin Musicians program has been delivered for three years since 2015 Autumn. Many of our mini musicians have grown up and now are looking for new program to learn Mandarin further, which leads to the inspiration of creating our brand new program-Mini Mandarin Players!

If you were interested in understanding what this new program is like, please click the link below:
Class Info
2019 New Term (on the theme of Chinese New Year!)
Saturday 11-11.50am 5th/Jan. 12th/Jan. 19th/Jan. 26th/Jan. and 2nd/Feb.
The Kenilworth Centre
Abbey End Car Park
Kenilworth CV8 1QJ
Class Fee:
£30 for the whole term (5 sessions), including learning materials.
Early bird discount: £25 (paid before 5th/Dec.2018).
Pay as you go: £7 (booking requested).
For register and questions please contact:
Phone: 07870165155