2019 Summer Term Registration- Mini Mandarin Musicians
Dear parents,
Our 2019 Summer term will start from 3rd (Fri.) and 4th (Sat.) of May for 10 weeks. This term we will feature the music about summer, Dragon Boat Festival and Father's Day...etc. Many good things to learn and play!

*Class info:
Suitable age: 3 months - 3 years old
Location: The Kenilworth Centre,
Abbey End Car Park Kenilworth CV8 1QJ
1. Friday 2.15-3pm
3rd May, 10th May, 17th May, 24th May, 7th June, 14th June, 21st June, 28th June, 5th July, and 12th July.
2. Saturday 10-10.45am
4th May, 11th May, 18th May, 25th May, 8th June, 15th June, 22nd June, 29th June, 6th July, and 13th July.
Fee: £55 for the whole term. The first trial lesson is free and siblings get 20%-off discount. (Please book the whole term in advance if already had the trial lesson.)
Payment can be transferred to:
Sort code: 070246 Account number: 48676394 Name: Yi-Ting Huang
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Spaces are limited so please register as soon as possible.
For registration or enquiry, please send email to info@mmmusicians.com or call 07870165155.
Thank you very much!
Many thanks & Best regards,
Yi-Ting (Edith) Huang